I'm New >

What to Expect

Hi There!

We are a small, welcoming church! When you arrive, you'll be greeted at the west entry doors with a warm handshake and given a bulletin by two folks who have promised to be here early that morning with a smile and friendly demeanor! Feel free to find a seat anywhere you choose, we will make room! (We are pretty informal!)

We begin at 10am, you'll notice folks begin to get quiet and find their seats. Our services last around an hour and a half, we have donuts and coffee available in the Fellowship Hall if you haven't had breakfast. Get there a little early, you'll want time to mosey on over there. The two nice people at the door will point you in the right direction! 

If you need assistance during the service, please let an usher know. We are happy to help. 

There will be a welcome card in the pew rack if you'd like to let us know more about you. We have a welcome gift for you at the end of the service at our new welcome table, just ask and someone will be available to provide one for you!  The pastor will be waiting to greet you and shake your hand on the way out. Please feel free to call the church office or stop in and see us throughout the week. Or, go ahead and introduce yourself now!

We would be delighted to have you with us!

May God Bless You,

Your Friends and Family at
Crainville Baptist Church
